Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh, sweet sugar.

Up first on IBB's Bake-a-thon? The sugar cookies. My Mom made a special request for these to be first, seeing as our family enjoys letting the younglings (that is, the children) decorate them! So the earlier they're done, typically, the better. I'll be making a few batches of these, one with lemon extract rather than vanilla, but I promise, I won't do a million sugar cookie posts.


Ahem. The thing about sugar cookies is you really need to let the dough chill overnight. An hour or two might work, but it was (and is!) easier for me to make the dough the night before my day off and make them the next day. Unfortunately, as I came home from work exhausted, I barely made the dough, let alone remembered pictures. Sorry, guys!

The next day, after work (yeah, got called in, whoops!) I decided to pop out a few batches of them. Not all, since I had a lecture at 9, but a few.

This recipe was courtesy of Bakingdom, seen first in her Alice in Wonderland cookies. But I'm pretty sure she uses this recipe like, religiously. And after trying them? I totally understand why. There was a minor tweak I had to make at the last minute when making this dough, though. Rather than use butter, I had to use the last of my Crisco shortening sticks.

The results were awesome. I haven't made the ones with butter yet (next on my list!), but I'm pretty sure there's going to be only slight, if any, differences. So! On to the shapes.

I've always found it easy to place them before pushing them down. This way you can fit as many cutters as you need in a sheet of dough before pressing, and you can change your mind if you need to! Simply place, then press. I've rolled my dough about 1/6th of an inch thick (maybe 1/8th? I didn't measure!) before cutting, and they were perfectly made.

After cutting your cookies, place them on the baking sheet, then pop 'em in the oven. The recipe called for 10 minutes, but with the way mine was reacting, only 8 minutes in the oven were needed and 2 minutes on the sheet afterward for these babies!

See? Beautiful, yeah? And they taste so good. Not too sweet (thank god), but with enough flavor to stand up on their own. My mom complained of a plain taste, but she's the type of woman who likes sugar upon sugar upon sugar, so we'll just ignore her opinion this time.

Don't tell her I said that. Ahem. Well! One down, five to go. I'll see you next time, guys. ;D

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